Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5 minute walk


5 minute walk..

It was a cold Thursday when I went on my five minute walk. I took a stroll down my street/neighborhood beginning with things at my house. I began with the door knob of my house and then moved on to the next image I wanted to capture. As I walked I tried to capture everything with my camera/iPod, which you can't really capture every detail with a camera (in my opinion). It was a cold night, but it wasn’t raining. As I walked I was thinking about getting ready for the next day ahead of me, Friday. It was late and time to start preparing for the next day. Because it was getting late I wanted to try to wrap up taking pictures as soon as possible. I was also freezing, shivering, and wanted to go back inside. If I could re-due my five minute walk I think a couple things I would have done different are taking the pictures earlier so I would have better lighting and just taking my time and not being in a hurry.